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Priest Appreciation Dinner

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Towson, June 14th

Knights of the Father O'Neill Council play host to Priests and Seminarians for the Annual Priest Appreciation Dinner

   The Annual Knights of Columbus Appreciation Dinner for the Priests who support the Towson area was held at The Father O'Neill Club of Towson on Friday, June 14th, 2019.      

Karl Tschanz, Grand Knight of the Father O'Neill Council #4011, a local council of the Knights of Columbus, presented two gifts to the graduating transitional deacons. Deacon Matthew DeFusco has been a long time member of the Knights, and has been supported by the council during his time at the Seminary. The other gift, presented to Deacon Robert Kirk is a transitional deacon who converted from Episcopalian, and will be the new council Chaplain starting July 1st. Both transitional deacons were presented with a Knights of Columbus Stole.

(From Left to Right) Father Ed Meeks, Transitional Deacon Justin Gough, Transitional Deacon Brendand Fitzgerald, Seminarian Peter Myers, Transitional Deacon Robert Kirk, Transitional Deacon Matthew DeFusco, Seminarian Robert "Trey" Bart III, Faithful Friar Msgr. John Fitzgerald

The outgoing Chaplain, Father Francis Ouma, of St. Joseph's of Fullerton, was unable to attend, but was gifted a chasuble and stole set.

The event was well attended, with eight priest and seminarians in attendance, and twenty-five brother Knights showing their support and appreciation.


The Knights of Columbus are so much more than the men who do the cooking at local fundraisers. They are the world's largest Catholic Fraternal Organization. From the moment of their founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action. They are dedicated to providing charitable services, including disaster relief, actively defending Catholicism in various nations, and promoting Catholic education. Charities include the Christian Refugee Relief Fund, Disaster Relief, Ultrasound Initiative, and Coats for Kids. They also partner with international charities including Special Olympics, the Global Wheelchair Mission and Habitat for Humanity. Since its inception, the Knights of Columbus have supported seminarians during their journey to priesthood. The Father O'Neill Council support 5 such seminarians.

The event was chaired by Andy Gleeson and Dan Flannery. One of newest members, Sean McGarvey provided a donation of steaks for the meal. While Andy grilled the steaks, Dan's wife, sister-in-law, and son-in-law prepared most of the meal.

The Dinner Menus:

--Hors d'oeuvre--

Crudités Platter

Assorted Antipasto

Roasted garlic hummus w/ chips

Cheese and crackers

--Main Course--

Filet Mignon (Provided by Sean McGarvey)

Ribeye Steak

Jack Tarr Potatoes

Stuffed Tomatoes

Caesar Salad

Rolls and Hand-made butter (made by Gabriel)


Assorted Mini Cheesecakes

(From Left to Right) Dan Flannery's family: Gabriel Flannery, Heath Bachman, and Carol Jones




The Father O’Neill Council of the Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men dedicated to the Church. We will expend our energies toward preserving the sanctity of life and making a difference in the community via service and charity. In pursuit of these objectives we promote family, develop friendships, enjoy fraternalism and grow in faith.




616 W Seminary Ave

Lutherville-Timonium, MD


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