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Father O'Neill Website Development Roadmap

This is the current website development road map for the Father O'Neill website.  As feautres are suggested, they weill be added to the product backlog on the left.  Selected development features will then be qued up, and worked through development, review, and final checks.  It will then be added to the "completed feature" section when development is fully complete.  


If you have suggestions for the website, please let Karl Tschanz or Carl Lenhoff know, and we will add them to the board.  



The Father O’Neill Council of the Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men dedicated to the Church. We will expend our energies toward preserving the sanctity of life and making a difference in the community via service and charity. In pursuit of these objectives we promote family, develop friendships, enjoy fraternalism and grow in faith.




616 W Seminary Ave

Lutherville-Timonium, MD


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